Prime Park, Printers Way, Montague Gardens, Cape Town
Train speed, quickness and endurance with this durable jump rope. With padded grips, a center mounted swivel, the Jump Rope is a simple approach to get more results from your training.
Part conditioning trainer, part coordination drill—nothing’s intimidating about the Jump Rope. It’s a straightforward training tool with padded handles and a simple center-mounted swivel for smooth rotations. No bells and whistles necessary—just the work, sweat and endurance your training demands.
While you’re jumping rope, cardiovascular health may not be top of mind, but know that with each minute on your toes, you’re hundreds of beats closer to a tougher ticker. The bonus: while you’re breathing hard, your coordination and muscle tone are improving.
Whether you’re training for a spot on the podium or looking to break into training, the Jump Rope is the perfect place to start. Countless athletes have improved footwork, agility, and quickness with jumping rope.
Prime Park, Printers Way, Montague Gardens, Cape Town